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Plasma Tech Company was established in 2004 with the introduction of the Rubig PlasNit™ process for Ion-Plasma Nitriding.

PlasNit™ is the most advanced case-hardening process available today for steel materials. Your PlasNit™ treated components develop increased surface strength and durability, while maintaining dimensional integrity throughout the process - no post-treatment machining is required. With large capacity modern Ion-Nitriding units, Plasma Tech provides you with the flexibility and fast turnaround that keeps you ahead of your competition. And, our partnership withRubigCompany brings you decades of heat-treating and metallurgical knowledge. Plasma Tech offers you the unbeatable combination of experience and state-of-the-art technology in one location.





Plasmatech is a full-service company offering you a wide range of services including:

Plasma Nitriding

Thermal Spray (HP- HVOF)

Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)

Application Engineering

Tooling Design

Also this company is exclusive representative of British company corewire in iran that manufactures hard facing welding wires.